7290 Crosswater Dr. Tyler, TX 75703, USA


#1 Do You Have IDEAS, PRODUCTS or IMPROVEMENTS that need LEGAL PROTECTION? (Prosecute Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret?)

#2 Are You ACCUSING Someone of INFRINGEMENT?(Someone Else has Illegally Used Your Patent, Trademark, Copyright – Litigate)

#3 Are You Being ACCUSED of INFRINGEMENT? (Illegally Using Someone Else’s Intellectual Property? – Defense)

#4 Are You ALLOWING Someone to LICENSE your Intellectual Property(Someone Else has Illegally Used Your Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret? – License)

#5 Do You Have IDEAS, PRODUCTS or IMPROVEMENTS that need INVESTMENT?(Monetize- Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret?)

#6 Need a Confidential 90 Minute Attorney Consultation?